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School Life


Whether she sees herself as a scholar, an athlete, an artist, an activist – or all of these – every girl at 十大彩票平台 has opportunities to thrive.

student dressed as a witch leading morning meeting on Halloween


 Thanks to a variety of healthy outlets that support intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and moral development, our small size gives you the benefit of personal attention and consistent support. Our nonsectarian approach reinforces the value of diversity, encouraging you to explore ideas beyond the traditional boundaries.

A Culture of Freedom, a Code of Honor

At 十大彩票平台, you'll enjoy extraordinary autonomy, while embracing a high level of responsibility. Our Academic and Social Honor Code – at the heart of our open and supportive learning community – fosters trust and respect by preparing girls for the rewards and responsibilities of college and the wider world.

Individual Attention That Ensures Open Communication

Thanks to our intimate size, no student goes unnoticed. Our advisory program also empowers you by building positive student-teacher relationships while encouraging open communication with families.

Student-Centered Clubs and Activities

Whether it’s through music, art, drama, writing, current events, or sports, you'll find an extracurricular outlet at 十大彩票平台. If you see the need for an entirely new club, you're encouraged to step up to the challenge of proposing the concept and helping it become a reality.

Giving Back to the Larger Community

Every student participates in community service in each of your years at 十大彩票平台. Our goal is to inspire a spirit of personal responsibility and service so that reaching out and giving back can become more than just an extracurricular pursuit – but a way of life.

Visiting Artists & Speakers and Endowed Lecture Series

十大彩票平台 invites a number of visitors to the school each year to enrich our program as part of our endowed lectures and as part of our regular classes. In the fall we welcome the Adsit Lecturer (often for our convocation) and in the spring, we welcome the Wilkinson Poet, the Colby Artist, and the Prince Lecturer.

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